ZeroHarmNow: It isn’t necessarsy to defy gravity to change the world.
We just have to make compassion the new normal.
This is not a time for the status quo or the business-as-usual mindset. In a world that has witnessed so much pandemic-related suffering at every level, all organizations need to re-think, and re-build, their compassion agenda of caring, inclusiveness and a renewed focus on the most vulnerable. ZeroHarmNow partners with leading universities and healthcare providers, advises private sector organizations and collaborates with advocacy groups to identify and mitigate avoidable harms; campaigns for transformative legislative and policy changes; creates ground-breaking initiatives to expand the healing powers and reach of compassion; and consults on principles and practices of compassion governance and leadership. Read more…
Formed by Kathleen Finlay, ZeroHarmNow focuses on sharing at the institutional level the combined resources and experiences of her decades of advocacy and policy innovation. She is one of Canada’s leading and most quoted voices for victims of gender-based violence and sexual harassment, strengthened mental health services, patient-and-family-centred healthcare and innovations in compassion that empower the most vulnerable. Read more…
Media inquiries, requests for speaking and panel engagements, and invitations for op-ed and scholarly contributions are always welcome. Read more…
“Canadians are looking for their most trusted institutions to heed the painful lessons of the pandemic and put caring front and centre. They don’t want a return to normal on the part of governments, universities, hospitals or the private sector. They want them to make compassion the new normal.”
—Kathleen Finlay, writing in Healthy Debate, February 2022.
Latest media appearances below

Kathleen Finlay in a recent CTV News interview, making another call for compassion. “When looking at the future of the most vulnerable, we need to make sure they actually have a future.”

In Canada's military and in its everyday workplace, #MeToo survivors wait. And wait. And wait.
Kathleen Finlay’s latest in the Hill Times.

Submission to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology on Bill C-12 (GIS Clawbacks)
Why the City of Toronto (and the University of Toronto and a lot of others) need a compassion czar
Kathleen Finlay’s latest in Now Magazine.
Making compassion the new normal
Kathleen Finlay’s latest in Healthy Debate.

Conversations on Compassion: My interview with CTV News Channel anchor Angie Seth about cuts to the lowest income seniors, clawback of GIS benefits and other forms of institutional betrayal.
Compassion is also your job
A message for public leaders: please don’t forget the most vunerable again. Kathleen Finlay’s latest in the Hill Times. Read more…
Opposition parties should demand an emergency debate to help seniors who accepted the Canada emergency response benefit, but are now struggling. — Kathleen Finlay’s latest in the Hill Times. Read the full article.